Safeguarding Regulation


Safeguarding Regulation

The Safeguarding Regulation affirms and promotes the right of all members to be considered and treated with the utmost respect and dignity, combating any discriminatory practice, form of abuse, harassment, gender violence or discrimination for reasons of ethnicity, religion, personal beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation or for the reasons referred to in Legislative Decree no. 198 of 11 April 2006 on members, especially if they are minors.

With the aim of preventing and combating any type of abuse, violence and discrimination against members, the Pevero Golf Club, pursuant to art. 33, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree no. 36 of 28 February 2021, appointed a person responsible for combating abuse, violence and discrimination.

Responsible for abuse, violence and discrimination Dott.ssa Marta Demontis


Safeguarding Regulation


Codice di Condotta Pevero Golf Club Modello PEVERO GOLF CLUB